Peace Feast

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Hear About Hajj, October 2018

 On Tuesday 23rd October 40 people gathered for a meal at Zaika restaurant Cardiff; a Peace Feast, called Hear about Hajj. This specific event has happened annually in Cardiff, is in its 7th year and is a partnership between Bridges for Communities and Dar Ul Isra Mosque.


40 guests enjoyed a delicious, 3 course Asian buffet whilst listening to an introduction to Islam and the Hajj pilgrimage by mosque volunteer Tanvier Ahmed, followed by talks from 3 Muslims who have recently returned from Hajj who shared with us from their personal experience. Such a great event and all followed by more conversations around the table. One guest posted on Facebook after the event, saying:

“Thanks so much for the Peace Feast yesterday, it was a really emotional and informative experience, which made me realise how little I actually knew about Islam.”


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